About Me

My name is Weiyan

When I was 15 years old, my best friend in school asked me one thing, ‘Weiyan, what would you like to do in the future?’
Seemingly young and inexperienced of the world, I said to her, I wanted to work for a Non-profit organization to help people.

That answer seemed brief but clear, even a little firm.

Let's talk with me.

At 18 years old, when the promising, exciting journey of university was about to start, what subject should the girl dreaming to work for organizations like UN choose? She has always been very good with languages, and curious about cultures and learning about differences in people. The idea of learning a foreign language came. She believed using this as a key to the bigger world. But it wasn’t that successful in the pre-selection process from schools.

In the end, she choose something that was ‘safe and decent’, she went to a business school. She was indeed lucky to begin with, and with her effort, she went to a renowned business school abroad.

By the time after university, the firm words of the 15 year old, seems just quietly tucked in a tiny corner of her mind were lost.

After University, she tried a few things, banking, sales, and eventually, something gave her peace for some time – education. 8 years. She worked in marketing, recruitment and admissions in higher education for 8 years with two prestigious universities. Peace was indeed there, yet somehow somewhere she knew she wanted to involve more directly in helping people.

Education led her feel, she was doing something meaningful, helping others grow. That idea kept her going for 8 years. And it led her believe, there is more room, more opportunities for her to grow as someone nurtures the soil more directly.

A careers day event at a friend’s school, completely refreshed her thoughts, energized her, opened up her mind.
When she recall the 12 intense hour of preparation over 3 days of short notice, she still feels the adrenaline rush now.
When she led the 2 hour workshop, she felt completely in her zone.
When reading the card from that group of 12 year old, she felt great fulfillment, and most of all, she remembered that 15 year old girl who knew she wanted to work for non-profit organizations, but didn’t know how at the time.

My name is Weiyan, this space is to help me connect with people, especially young adults

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John Doe


Jenna Smith


Samuel Stevens


Jessica Loren


Mykel Johnson

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